Project Management


Project management services specialize in planning, coordinating, and executing projects according to specific requirements and constraints. They perform some or all of the activities related to project work, from conceptualization to completion. Emphasis is placed on creating and maintaining project milestones and the project schedule. The end goal is to complete the project on time and within budget.

CSS LLC provides financial and project management consultancy services to contracting companies. Offered services include;


Project management services help organizations achieve project goals and objectives within scope, time, and budgetary constraints. They can also help optimize the allocation of resources and integrate the inputs that will drive the completion of the project's objectives. The development of a project plan is critical, as this document defines and confirms broader goals and specific objectives. The project plan also identifies tasks, describes how goals will be achieved, and quantifies the resources that are needed.

Good planning in projects reduces uncertainties, ensures more clear objectives and increases efficiency.



Budget and time-oriented in line with the characteristics and processes of investment.

- Determination of the most appropriate procurement method

- Preparation of tender documentation

- Contractor company reviews

- Implementation of tender processes

- Risk analysis of contractor candidates and presentation of their technical qualifications



- Preparation of contracts

- Ensuring the compliance of administrative and technical requirements of contracts with investment objectives.

- Temporary, financial and technical control of contract conditions during the production period.

- Follow-up and coordination of legal processes



Determining, reporting and presenting solutions to the Employer at every stage of the investment, whether there are any financial, temporal or technical risks.



The full operation of the reporting system created during the project period is the submission of daily, weekly and monthly reports to the Employer. All reports and documentation related to the project are delivered to the Employer.



An effective procurement management should cover the demand, supplier assessment, selection, contracting with the supplier and the management of the supplier. The management of the service provider by the project management and evaluation of its performance enables the evaluation of the possibility of working with this service provider in the next project. CSS LLC, within the scope of the project management service, provides the right materials and services at the right time with the right price and contracts.