While establishing a business taking random decisions without professional consultation may lead to potential problems in future. That is why, selection of the proper organizational-legal form and a better form of property management is one of the most important tasks, which requires selection of the best possible legal way of cost reduction.

Once the enterprise is established, the first important step is to determine the organizational-legal form, which meets customers’ business needs and which is based on the optimization of taxation. Our lawyers ensure comprehensive legal consulting on taxation, planning of tax operations in various business operations, including merger and reorganization, financial restructuring of joint ventures and affiliates.

We ensure that constituent documents, company structure, internal corporate policies/regulations are in place, meet legal requirements, are in line with business owner’s interests and business itself.

CSS LLC provides corporate legal consulting to local and foreign companies on different fields of business. Our company has extensive experience in establishing legal entities with domestic and foreign investment.

CSS LLC provides professional support in the development of constituent documents, charter and statutes, professional support for the preparation of compliance policies, establishment of companies of various sizes, re-registration and liquidationof the organizational-legal form,including provision of consulting and necessary services on the establishment of representative and branch offices in Azerbaijan.

Our corporate law servicesinclude the following:

  • establishmentoflegalentities
  • development of company charter (constituent documents) and internal regulations
  • establishment of representative and branch offices
  • merger, also sale and purchase of shares of companies, reorganization of companies
  • provision of consulting on competition and antimonopoly legislation
  • preparation, application and development of ethical and compliance rules
  • making labor contracts for executives and directors
  • legalexamination (duediligence)
  • reorganization of a legal entity in the form of mergers, acquisitions, divisions, separation and segregation
  • analysis of liquidation,bankruptcy processes in the companiesand consulting in this field
  • legal services in bankruptcy and liquidation processes
  • property management duringbankruptcy
  • share-based transactions and investment agreements
  • restructuring and recovery related to bankruptcy
  • liquidity and liquidation


At present both businessmenas well as other persons are interested in the necessary documentation of property operations in order to exclude property risks.

We provide consulting to our customers on real estate in the most complicated projects, make real estate contracts, provide consulting on all legal steps of purchase, sale, leasing and rent of property and provide support in the resolution of disputes in this field.


  • Preparation, analysis and approval of all legal documents on property interests
  • Providing consulting to expatriates on sale and purchase of real estate
  • Providing consultation on rent and leasing contracts, rent on constructed property upon customer's request
  • Regulationofrealestatedocumentation
  • Management of property during merger of legal entities
  • Consultingsonpropertymortgage, encumbrance
  • Management of property during bankruptcy and liquidation
  • Sale and purchase, registration of land, real estate contracts
  • Consulting on real estate taxation
  • Agreementsonpropertymanagement


Protection of employees’ rights by labor legislation of Azerbaijan makes it necessary to pay special attention to labor contracts and agreements between parties. In particular, in some circumstances the labor and civil rights are somixed, that a professional approach is needed to find solutions.

CSS LLC possesses a rich and long termexperience in personnel supply for big and important projects. This is a proof of professional service in the field of personnel management according to the legislation and other regulations. As a holder of ISO 9001 certificate, “CSS” LLC promises its customers to carry out personnel management in accordance with Azerbaijan’s labor legislation and other quality standards.

CSS LLC’s professional team of human resources department provides the following services to customers in the field of labor legislation and recruitment:

  • Preparation and analysis of legal documents such as: labor contracts, collective agreements, internal policies (Code of Ethics, etc.)
  • Signing of labor contracts with employees, making changes to, termination of such contracts, entering notification on labor contract into the electronic information system according to Azerbaijan Labor Code;
  • Preparationof labor contracts on the principle of substitution;
  • Preparation of all recruitment documents;
  • Preparation of a contract on full material liability;
  • Opening and registration of work record cards;
  • Preparationof relevant staff list for the company;
  • Ensuring social and compulsory insurance for the staff;
  • Preparation of documentation in relation with the changes and supplements to labor contracts and registration of all changes in the electronic information system;
  • Preparation of references, recommendation letters for the employees;
  • Calculation of one-time allowances for pregnancy and childbirth, redundancy dismissal, call to military service for the employees, also allowance by looking after a baby until 3 years old and other compulsory payments and allowances;
  • Creating databases and registration schedules for used and remaining vacation periods, vacation allowances of staff and ensuring such rights (labor, education, creative work, social, unpaid vacations), making vacation planning schedules;
  • Calculation of annual vacation period or compensation for unused vacation for employees;
  • Calculation and payment of compensation for temporary disability;
  • Organization of working time recording;
  • Preparation of working time lists;
  • Preparation and registration of orders;
  • Preparation of shift work schedules (logbook);
  • Preparation of job descriptions based on labor functions;
  • Preparation of statistical reports and presenting the reports to State Employment Office;
  • To participate in all internal and external audits and control the audit process;
  • Working out of the internal discipline rules of the company and communicating the rules to all staff;
  • To control fulfillment of the discipline rules;
  • Working out of the company’s internal discipline rules and communicating the rules to all staff;
  • Working out of the occupational health and safety rules in the company and communicating the rules to all staff;
  • Working out of the organizational structure of the company and harmonization of the staff list in accordance with the structure.
  • Consultingon HR management
  • Consulting on the employment of expatriates and recruitment contracts of expatriates
  • Representation of the parties in labor disputes
  • Organization of defenseduring legal proceedings and tracking of the proceedings at all courts, providing solutions for the recruitment of employees at favorable conditions


As one of CSS LLC’s key fields of operation is to supply personnel for important projects in country, the issues like migration, citizenship, work permits are also included in the activities of our company in order to provide assistance to foreign citizens and citizens of Azerbaijan.

As our supplied employees are both local and foreign citizens, our team possesses a theoretical and practical experience in this field.


  • Obtaining of Work Permit and Temporary Residence Permits;
  • Obtaining of Permanent residence permits and citizenship;
  • Consulting on double citizenship;
  • Consulting on the important issues which should be taken into consideration during migration to Azerbaijan;
  • Border procedures on migration


We ensure registration and protection of intellectual property rights of business in the Republic of Azerbaijan. We mainly provide the following services:

  • Obtaining of patents, trademarks;
  • Carrying out of legal audit in order not to allow the customer to be in breach of intellectual property rights of other authors;
  • To make and analyze contracts on protection of intellectual property rights;
  • Search on trademarks, registration of trademarks, patents, making appeals on registration;
  • Agreements on obtaining of trademarks